The key to writing your best content is by inspiration. In my experience, I’ve come to learn that your best writing work comes from when you are inspired by certain ideas, people, places, events and things. People connect with stories and shared experiences. The idea is to connect to your audience through your content by using both. It’s not just about what’s done online, but also what’s done offline—and what you are exposed to. The more you share, the more your audience connects. With that understanding, you can build a basic picture of their life, and flesh out your best content from there.
3 Key Components to Writing Your Best Content
- Master the Art of Good Storytelling – Be a narrator. Stories resonate with people. They live on in our consciousness forever. Don’t be afraid to make your stories personal and reflective. Touch up on topics that are not only trendy but taboo. Captivating the attention of your audience is crucial to the success of your content.
- Create Compelling Headlines – Make sure your headline title is powerful and attractive. Compelling headlines turn internet browsers into readers. It not only captures their attention but it immediately compels them to stop in their tracks.
- Be Informative – People seek information daily. Your job as a content writer is to provide answers to their questions and offer insight. Be unique and specific. The more content information shared, the more your audience will begin to see you as a reliable source; someone they can count on to provide them with good ideas, good information and valued advice.
Keep in mind that your content matters regardless of what industry you’re in, whether you are a blogger or not. Even as a small business owner, it’s part of your job to deliver quality information to your customers about your products and services. Be it quarterly releases, monthly or weekly newsletters or daily updates about service or product information. Relying on word of mouth or product images can hurt your business as neither requires a call-to-action. Sharing written content keeps customers engaged, stirs the senses and invites interaction. Without all this, I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to grow your business. Make it part of your business plan today to create content so inviting that people are happy to pay for it.
People long to feel inspired. They seek to be influenced by the people and things they engage with everyday. So, even when you have nothing of substance to say in the moment, the act of being available and checking in by so much as asking a question provides a sense of presence and readiness.
Focus on what’s really important to your audience. Don’t just write content, make it effective. The ability to serve information in a way that captivates one’s attention is an art form.