As the current Summer season winds down, many parents and children are getting ready for the start of the new school year. Getting a jumpstart on a new daily routine is sure to get them settled in ahead of what is to be expected. Below are 5 helpful back to school tips that is sure to get the kids prepared and ready for the new year.
- Start a Calendar – Keeping everyone’s schedules straight can be a difficult task but it’s totally manageable and a must do. Along with a new school year comes new routine. The best way to keep the schedule organized is to start a calendar. Calendars not only help kids but keeps parents from going mad trying to remember things on the to-do-list in their head. Starting a calendar establishes responsibility, helps to track commitments and gives everyone in the household a sense of organization, stability, and comfort. Create one today. Tack it to the fridge.
- Sleep Routine – Days are longer during Summer months which gives the kids an incentive to stay up late. Most children aren’t morning people so getting them back on track with a good sleep routine is key to preparing for the upcoming school year. Enforcing an hour of quiet time before bed, which includes a no-electronics rule, can help children get into a healthy bedtime routine. Set the alarm for early morning wake up time to get your children used to waking up at the same time every day so that once school starts, early mornings won’t be such a frenzy. It also lessens the desire to sleep in late. Having a good sleep and wake up routine makes for solid day-to-day rituals that will keep everyone’s stress level low.
- Review Basic Rules – Talk to your children about the positive aspects of starting school to create positive anticipation about the first day of class. Don’t forget to lay down a few ground rules and explain safety measures. If your child seems nervous, ask them what they are worried about and help them problem solve ways to master the new situation. Reviewing the basic rules is all about making an extra effort to ensure that everyone feels as comfortable as possible about what can be expected in the coming school year ahead.
- Summer Homework – About two weeks before the start of school, get the children started by completing a few homework assignments. I highly recommend the Summer Bridge Activities workbooks. They are available at your local Wal-mart or Target stores or you can order them online at Completing Summer homework assignments helps to give your children a jumpstart course to help them refresh, maintain and perhaps, expand upon their academic skills. It preps them to pick up in September right where they left off back in June.
- Meet The New Teacher – Breaking the ice early on is one of the best ways to calm everyone’s fears. Some teachers place welcome phone calls or send e-mails ahead of the start of the new year to introduce themselves. Make yourself and your children available for back-to-school night. This gives you and your child(ren) a chance to tour the classroom, become acclimated with the new academic curriculum and is another great opportunity to for everyone to get to know each other before the year begins.
Planning ahead for the new school year is so much more than just buying new supplies. The trick here is to establish new strategies that will help you and your family stay organized and on top of things for the start of the new school year.